Jun 29, 2014

Top 10 Safety Repairs To Do Before Selling Your Home

The one comment I hear from my sellers most often when we discuss the home inspection is, “I don’t think the inspector is going to find anything.”  They do, they always, always do.  In 9 years I have had one home that had nothing come up on the report.  It was a newer townhome owned by a single man who kept his home immaculate and pet free.  So please, don’t purposely not fix something because you want to leave “something” for the inspector to find!  Trust me, he will find plenty that you would have never even thought about.  Most inspections reports reveal a page and a half to two pages of repairs that the inspector found.  Let’s go ahead and get the most common repairs out of the way so the buyers can be impressed of how well you take care of your home!

1)   Make sure you have working smoke detectors in each bedroom and outside the sleeping areas of each floor as well as at least one on each floor.